James V Sadrianna, P.A

Tax Consulting

James V. Sadrianna, P.A. provides tax planning and compliance services to companies and individuals to maximize the return on assets and minimize taxes.

A listing of the type of services (which is by no means all-inclusive) offered by James V. Sadrianna, P.A. in the tax consulting arena include:

  1. Tax preparation of both federal and state individual, corporate, partnership, estate & gift tax returns. 

  2. Tax planning and research.

  3.  New entity selection and organization

  4. Representation on federal and state tax audits and inquiries.

  5. Development of a detailed tax compliance program so that tax deadlines are met.

James V Sadrianna has represented many high net worth individuals and companies that range from sole practitioners to Fortune 500 companies.  James V. Sadrianna has represented and provided tax services to clients in the following industries:

  • Hospitality

  • Food & Beverage

  • Entertainment

  • Commercial Cleaning

  • Mortgage Brokerage

  • Educational Services

  • Telecommunications

  • Software

  • Construction

  • Commercial Real Estate

  • Retail Sports Distribution

  • Publishing

Useful Tax Links

James V. Sadrianna, P.A. does not provide compilation, review or audit services to clients but relies on an extensive network of Certified Public Accountants that provide these types of services. 

Internal Revenue Service

Social Security

State Tax Roundup